Medical Malpractice
Failure to properly diagnose an acute stroke in time to initiate treatment, leading to catastrophic permanent brain damage and physical disability. Confidential multi-million dollar settlement.
Negligent post-operative management of a gastrointestinal surgery leading to permanent dialysis and loss of vision. Confidential multi-million dollar settlement.
Negligent post-operative management of complications from a bariatric surgical procedure causing permanent and severe brain damage. Confidential multi-million dollar settlement.
Negligent pharmacy error in filling prescription despite FDA “black box” warning, causing permanent kidney injury. Confidential 7-figure settlement.
Failing to diagnose cancer or inform patient of suspicious finding on X-ray leading to the wrongful death of the patient. Confidential settlement for patient's widow.
Failure to properly interpret multiple radiology studies allowing malignant tumor to grow and spread leading to wrongful death of the patient. Confidential settlement for the patient's minor child.
Negligent post-operative management of complications of orthopaedic surgical procedure leading to the wrongful death of the patient. Confidential settlement for the patient's children.
Negligent hospital nursing care following a gastrointestinal surgery leading to the death of the patient. Confidential settlement for patient's widow and children.
Negligent hospital nursing care following an orthopaedic surgical procedure leading to the death of the patient. Confidential settlement for patient's son.
Negligent interpretation of biopsy leading to unnecessary and harmful surgical procedure. Confidential settlement for patient and his wife.
Negligent performance of facial surgery leading to permanent nerve injury. Confidential settlement for patient.
Negligent preparation of patient for surgery leading to massive post-operative bleeding emergency. Confidential settlement for patient.
Negligent prescription and monitoring of narcotic drugs to patient leading to his wrongful death. Confidential settlement for the patient's parents.
Negligent placement of surgical screw in orthopaedic surgery leading to permanent nerve injury. Confidential settlement for patient.